Take Your Heart Off The Shelf

In a world punctuated by swift connections, digital distractions, and the overwhelming pressure to present a curated, flawless version of our lives, many of us have inadvertently put our hearts on a proverbial shelf. We guard our emotions, fearing judgment, heartbreak, or the idea of appearing too invested or too keen. But what happens when we decide to take our heart off that shelf and embrace life with openness and vulnerability? Let’s dive into the transformative power of being emotionally available.

1. Understanding the shelf

Our emotional “shelf” is a protective mechanism, a place where we hide our genuine feelings and emotions from the world. It’s a response to past wounds, betrayals, or fears, ensuring we’re never too exposed. But while it safeguards, it also isolates.

2. The power of vulnerability

Renowned researcher and author, brené brown, has extensively talked about the strength found in vulnerability. By opening ourselves up, we not only foster deeper connections but also pave the way for personal growth and understanding. Vulnerability is the bridge to genuine human interactions.

3. Embracing emotional availability

Genuine connections: taking your heart off the shelf means being present in your relationships. It’s about listening actively, sharing without holding back, and diving deep into conversations and experiences. This approach fosters stronger, more meaningful bonds.

Personal growth: when we open ourselves up, we also become receptive to personal growth. It’s easier to understand our strengths, work on our weaknesses, and embrace change.

Enhanced empathy: being in touch with our emotions makes us more empathetic towards others. We start resonating more with people’s feelings and experiences.

4. Overcoming the fear of rejection

One of the primary reasons we shelf our hearts is the fear of rejection. But it’s crucial to understand that rejection, in any form, is often not a personal failing but rather a mismatch of circumstances, personalities, or timings. Embracing rejection as a part of life’s journey can be liberating.

5. Being authentic in a filtered world

With social media reigning supreme, presenting a perfect life has become a norm. But perfection is an illusion. Taking your heart off the shelf is a commitment to authenticity. It’s about celebrating imperfections and acknowledging that it’s okay not to be okay.

6. The balance: vulnerability vs. Overexposure

Being vulnerable doesn’t mean indiscriminate emotional outpouring. It’s about being genuine in expressing feelings, but with discretion and judgment. There’s a fine line between being open and oversharing, and it’s essential to navigate this balance to protect one’s mental and emotional well-being.

7. Steps to unshelf your heart

Self-reflection: spend time understanding yourself, your fears, and what’s holding you back. Journaling can be a helpful tool.

Start small: you don’t need to wear your heart on your sleeve overnight. Start with small gestures—share a personal story, express an emotion you’d typically suppress, or initiate a deep conversation.

Seek support: talk to close friends or family about your intention to be more emotionally available. Their support can be instrumental.

Therapy: professional counseling can provide tools and insights on how to approach vulnerability without feeling overwhelmed.

8. The rewarding aspects

Enhanced relationships: as you become more emotionally available, relationships become more profound and fulfilling. The bonds created based on genuine understanding and trust are far more enduring.

Emotional liberation: there’s a certain freedom in not holding back. Emotions, when expressed healthily, can be incredibly liberating.

Personal growth: every time you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you learn. Whether it’s about yourself, others, or the world, there’s immense growth in openness.


Taking your heart off the shelf isn’t a mere act; it’s a journey of embracing yourself and the world around you with an open heart. It’s about understanding that hiding our emotions might protect us from potential pain but also from potential joy, love, and growth.

In a world where being “chill” is often celebrated, dare to care deeply. Embrace life with the fervor and passion it deserves. Because, in the end, it’s not about the number of days we live, but the life we infuse into those days. And what better way to do that than with an open heart? So, unshelf that heart and watch as the world unfolds in its myriad of colors, emotions, and experiences.